Wednesday, June 29, 2011


(Hey I wrote this last night-the first night but couldnt post it until now..because I had trouble with the fight because it was in Russian! lol But I have it figured out now..So here you go)
In Russia! Got here a little after 1pm Russian time. The longest flight from Chicago to Frankfurt was really nice. We were served dinner and then also breakfast! It's wasnt that bad. It was a huge plane, Two stories! I was like a little kid in a candy store! I couldn't stop giggling. I took pictures, don't worry! :) Then we had a very quick layover in Germany. Just enough time to get to our next plane. We had to go through security again, there for we didn't even have enough time to stop at the restroom! But that flight was nice as well. Only about 2hrs. I was luckily able to sleep on every flight:) So the jet lag hasn't really hit me until now.(almost 9pm) But the thing that is throwing us off..besides the fact that our bodies still think we are going by EST, it's still completely light outside! It's called White Nights. It won't get dark until after midnight and the sun raises again at like 4am! Thank goodness we brought eye masks!
We haven't gotten to see much of the city yet, just driving from the airport to the University here, but what we have seen is really cool...very different. Although, we have seen a KFC, McDonalds, and SubWay! lol But for lunch we had typical Russian food...we are jumping right in! The ladies that work with Orphan Outreach Olga and Lena are very nice, they picked us up and have showed us around. They took us to lunch, which was this cute little pankcake place which was more like creppe's. They also took us grocery shopping which was an experience. Oh and then also, I had to go to the restroom after shopping which was an experiance! Let me tell ya! There was no toilet seat, just the rim of the toilet! Talk about sqauting! lol and no toilet! And NO toilet paper, im glad I brought my own! Anyways, Olga and Lena will be back tomorrow to take us to the Crisis hospital where we will be working with the kids. We are so excited! But right now we are just going to get some rest! We will be here at The University all week this first I should be able to keep everyone pretty well updated. Well, that's all for now. Better try and get some shut eye! LOVE YOU ALL!

Dear Jesus,
Thank you so much for safe travels, for getting all of our bags here and just working out every detail. you are an AWESOME GOD! Lord, I just pray that we all get a good nights rest and that are hearts are prepared for what is to come tomorrow and the days ahead-Amen
Your Daughter,

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetheart! Sounds like things are going well over there. Papa and I know something about white nights from being in Paris in the summertime, although it obviously wasn't quite as bad as Russia since it got dark about 11:30. We are still praying for you every time we think of you, which is often, of course. Love you.
