Friday, July 15, 2011

Final Week and an early farewell. :(

Caitlin and a few of the little kids listening to Olga tell a bible story and then share the EvangaCube.

 Some of the little kids amazed by the puzzles that we brought for them. They each have such amazing stories!
 Even Caitlin and I had fun making the craft! :)
 Celebrating Kristen's birthday!! :) 
 Bubbles!!!! Even the little things give them such joy! 
 Yes...I tried Liver for the first time!! lol Not too bad...didnt eat all of it..but at least I tried it! :)
 Me and my girls, Sasha and Lusya :)
 Yes, had to go to McDonnalds once while in Russia! haha (note: to the right, the small red unbrella attached to the building, instead of a drive through, they have a walk-up! lol)
Our last nice meal out together, so yummy!! :) Caitlin, me and Olga.

Wow, Okay so another week has gone by. We went back and stayed at the second Orphanage "Nikolsky" this past week. Going into this week was really hard and challenging. Each one of us were just physically and mentally exhausted. We were also kind of over whelmed in not having the team from Texas with us anymore. We felt like we had to have as much stuff and activities for the kids as they did. But we quickly realized that what we would be doing this week is completely different, we were working on more personal relationships and having intentional conversations with the kids. We of course had things for them to do, but we definitely didn't have the number of people or the number of supplies that the team had. We had to just really pray and trust in the Lord to provide and open those doors. The four of us girls have been doing daily devotions together. This really has helped us stay focused on God and stay in the word. It has been very encouraging and helpful for all of us. The last week was a struggle for me because as you know I had gotten sick towards the end of last week and started taking antibiotics, it has gotten a little bit worse, so I am actually going to come home a few days early. I will only be missing three main days, they are going back to the Crisis Center Hospital Monday-Wednesday, and it was a mutual decision that it would be best for me not to go back there. It is a very clean environment, you have to wear booty to walk in and I don't walk to give the kids anything, and the sooner I get home the better I think. I have been here for 3 weeks now and it has been life changing for sure! I came into this trip thinking that I was coming over here to change the lives of these children, I believe that I have made an impact, but they have changed my life, that's for sure! I have learned so much, about myself, about God and about the world. I have learned how big God really is, I know you hear it all the time, in church and you are told that God know's each one of us, but when you actually go outside your city, your state, your country and go half way across the world and see all these people, it's amazing and hard to fathom that God really does know each and everyone of us and know's our thoughts and how many hairs are on our head! It's crazy!! It has been very eye opening, and I have realized that I don't have to go half way across the world to find sin in the world. I have been praying for the sin and the hurt in my own back yard. I of course have mixed feeling about going home, I of course miss everyone and miss modern conveniences  such as A/C, my bed and a  nice kitchen and modern medicine. But then I realize how much more of a special meaning my life verse has for me because it just says that God has a plan for my life, I have realized this week that if I had been born into a situation like these kids, I simply would not be here today! I am so blessed! So yes, I want to come home but I am also having a hard time leaving these kids behind knowing how they live and how little they actually have. 
I want to thank God first and foremost for making everything even possible, all the glory to him! I would also like to thank everyone back home that has been praying for me. I couldn't have done it with our you all! :)
Also, My team here!! Lydia, Caitlin and Kristen! They are awesome!!  I couldn't have done it with out them either. Lydia gave me a lot of piggy back rides everywhere and the girls were such emotional and spiritual support. I also, want to thank all the translators Yon, Alex, who where amazing. 
Anya, who shared her amazing testimony of growing up in an orphanage her self and finding her mom earlier this year. She is so sweet and fun and has a heart for the Lord. 
Last but not least, Olga, We love her and will miss her so much! She has such a heart for the Lord and for ALL the kids. Thank you for sharing that with us!!!

Dear God of the Universe,
Thank you for opening my eyes to your world. Thank you for being perfect in our weakness. Lord please change my life through this experience. Never let this feeling go away. Glory be to you.
Your loving Daughter,

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