Friday, June 24, 2011

Alomst Here!!!!

It's almost here! Three more days until I fly out. Destination Russia! This past week has just been crazy, getting last minute things done, such as phone calls, taking the dog to the vet, going to the college to make sure everything is set up for the fall semester when I return, and lots of shopping! Wal-Mart and the Dollar Tree are such a blessing! haha I had our weekly phone conference on Wednesday with the 3 other girls(Lydia 28, from Michigan, Caitlin 24, from Georgia and Kristen 20,from Texas). Everything is going so well, we are just making last minute adjustments to our packing lists, and making sure we have everything for VBS crafts and activities. It is just so cool to see how the Lord has brought each one of us girls together to form this team. Despite all having different straightens and weaknesses and coming from different backgrounds, we have been working really well together we each have the same purpose. We are all trusting in God to guide us and to protect us.
Anyway, I better get back to work, the girls and I are having one last conference call tonight. My flight leaves Monday morning around 10 something in the morning. My mom, brothers and some friends are all taking me to the airport! :) I don't think that it has truly sunk in yet for me that i am leaving for a month..but I'm sure it will VERY soon(like as I'm packing the suit cases)!
I'll post as often as I can while I'm gone...probably just on the weekends though...See you all in a month.

Dear Lord,
I pray that I get everything done that I need to get done before I leave. I pray that I don't have a hard time packing and getting to the air-port on time. Also, for traveling mercies for me and the other girls. That our flight goes well, and that ALL of our bags make it to Russia on time! For our safety and health as well. Lord, just prepare my heart for what I am about to do. I pray for all the children and workers that we will meet and minister too, that there hearts would be open to what you have to say. Pray that the girls and I shine our light bright for you. For the relationships between all of us girls. I pray that we are loving, caring, compassionate, comforting, understanding, and patient with one another while over seas. I just thank you Lord for all that you have given me..for my life! For this opportunity to do this for your Glory. Lord, thank you for all my wonderful friends and family who are praying for me and who have gotten me this far.-Amen.

Love Always,
Your Daughter Melissa
Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Praying for you, Princess. I know the Lord will bless your dedication and willingness to serve Him in Russia.

  2. Praying you have a safe and smooth trip to Russia and looking forward to your updates!
